jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Would you kill an innocent creature?

Seals are complete harmless and cute animals; they just mind their own business, surviving.
Each year the Canadian government give hunters permission to brutally slaughter hundreds of thousands of baby harp seals. Last year more than 67 000 seals were roughly executed, live and conscious baby seals are clubbed on the head, their eyes get hooked and their bodies get dragged all over the snow until they die, with the repulsive  purpose of selling their skin. Many of the baby seals that are killed are not more than 3 or 4 months old, they have not even learned how to swim or eaten their first solid food
Animals feel to, imagine they did that to baby humans, it is the exact same thing, baby humans are as innocent and vulnerable as those baby seals, and who knows? Maybe baby human skin, or human skin in general is even more soft. But of course they do not do it because it would be atrocious and inhuman and it would be against the laws of human rights, well let me tell you that these is even worse, they get advantage of these poor little helpless animals who have no escape from them, and slaughter them in horrendous way for using their skins as coats.
What I am trying to tell you is stop wearing animal fur, it now exists synthetic fur which is as pretty and you are not killing and innocent creature for it’s production. Human selfishness is the biggest problem, only for looking good and fashionable they are causing a nature misbalance and the death of millions of blameless beings.

Interpersonal Relationships

Interpersonal Relationships.

Relationships, something you really have to take care of, they are not easy, not at all, the interaction between human beings has never been easy. Humans are in the need of relating to other humans because we are genetically designed as social beings, so if a human does not interact with another it creates loneliness relates to sadness which relates to madness. (see relation, everything is related).
Of course as far as I know, I am a human, since I was a baby I started relating to other humans (as necessary) first it was my little family (mom,dad, sister), then it was my big family (uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins etc.) , there is when my first socialization began and all those people are the ones who mark in your life the way (good or bad) you are going to relate with others, then it was school, and so it went.  First I think that before knowing how to treat someone you have to know how to treat yourself in the first place, people are very complicated to establish a relationship with someone is far more complex. Let’s start off with your family, the people whom you share a home (time and space) in a home there are rules for having a better coexistence between the other beings you are living with, for example chores you have to do for keeping the space clean, time you have to respect, because it is not only your time you are sharing it with x number of people, respect , you have to learn to respect the other, stuff, space, etc. Well the truth is that these rules apply for all society but the thing is that not everyone follows them as they should. Then it goes friendship, this one is a hard one, a friend is someone apart from your family, someone you do not share with the others who live with you, whose only yours “your friend”, he shares interests, time and experiences with you, the both go out into the wilderness of society and start to socialize, to relate, in a friendship both give their effort to make it work (as in all relationships). Then there is a boyfriend-girrlfriend relationship, that one is someone who you share something called love, also interests and one complements the other, this relationship leads to a more serious one, marriage.
As we can see in the book relating is not easy at all (as I mentioned before), like I have heard somewhere you never get to know someone completely, not even yourself, so maybe you get married to “the love of your life” , you think you know him or her completely and suddenly BAM he turns out to be mad, a serial killer, gay (as we can see in the Book in Blanche’s situation with her first husband), ezquisofrenic (just like Blanche), or with some kind of strange personality disorder and he or she hits you or rapes your sister (like Stanley), but you don’t careof anything of that because you love him or her and you are also nuts because you enjoy being treated badly, so your area masoquist (Just like Stella).
 As we can see in the book, Blanche is a lonely woman with the need of attention, love, and physical contact, since she first had a love failure; her life started to become a dark and lonely hole and her sanity drowned with it; her way for relating and her way of thinking with others became very  superficial. So when she starts having troubles back Belle Reve, instead of facing the music she foolishly decided to run away to another place which was something lke her doom because there was the place were all finished.
But well, relationships are hard but necessary that is why we need to learn how to keep them, I think such a thing as an “ideal” relationship does not exist but there is a functional relationship, so yes you can make it work, just by using respect, patience, will, love, control,  and perseverance. Because it is something you have to keep feeding like an animal or plant because other wise it will die.

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

I Dream’d in a Dream

I Dream’d in a Dream
  by: Walt Withman

I DREAM’D in a dream, I saw a city invincible to the attacks of the whole of the rest of the earth;

I dream’d that was the new City of Friends;

Nothing was greater there than the quality of robust love—it led the rest;

It was seen every hour in the actions of the men of that city,

And in all their looks and words.


It would be incredible if a dream  like that came true, the truth is is that i have also dreamed of a wonderful world but sadly that world will only be existing in my dreams. But despiete of the fact that we are leaving in a horrible world there is always someone willing to help and make it a little better for someone else.

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

The relationship of power and our bad world

What is the relationship between power and corruption?
Well this is an easy one  power and corruption are faithful lovers , in  our government there is a lot of corruption because of the power that dishonest people and money have on the world a simple example is this a normal guy gets elected for governor so he puts his best friend I does’nt matter if h is a nobody he is going to become the secretariat of public defense of an entire state that is how things go.

What is the relationship between power and moral?
This one is sad one because sometimes power cheats on moral, when somebody has a lot of power he really does’nt care about moral he just leaves it aside and stamps it.
What is the relationship of power and wealth?
This tow have a very strong bond, it is as simple as this wealth gives you power period to do whatever you want as much wealth as have as much power you will have.
What is the relationship between power and tv?
T v is one of the most powerful things that exists it is a huge brain washing and people listen and follow what it says, they spend most of their time on tv.
What is the relationship between power and ethics?
Ethics and power don’t have such a good relationship but It is important to have people with a high level of ethics in power so that the decisions are made fairly and thinking of the collective wellness.
What is the relationship between power and people?
They have the greatest relationship of them all beacuese people give the power, people are the power, people follow the power.

What is the relationship between power and fairness?
It is sad power and fairness do not get a long that well in fact power overcomes fairness most of the time


Just the sound of this word sounds powerful, but what is power? I think that there  are a lot of answers to this question . Power could be an ability, a strength, a tool, a capacity, but the thing is that it is all those words mixed in one and that is what  makes it so desirable, and again powerful.
There are many kinds of power, economic power, persuasive power many kinds .
People  that have the privilege and advantage of having power are very easy to recognize, because just the hearing of their names makes you admire them or follow them in some kind of way. For example, Carlos slim and el chapo Guzman have a huge economic power but the Chapo has also persuasive and  he also uses fear, also another example of someone with power is Lopez Obrador because he has the power of moving people of making them hear what they want to hear, there are many examples and every one of them has earned it .
But also I think that people have power because the people that do not have it gives them to them power could not exist without people, people are the power, people give the power to other people.

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

No more Blood!!

There is a magazine that I enjoy Reading very much called “El Chamuco” it criticizes the government through funny cartoons and what I like the most is that it gives you a different perception of the political problems happening in México and it helps you understand a lot more the political issues that our country is facing right now.
A famous  Mexican political caricaturist called Eduardo del Río, pseudonym  Rius, started along with many other caricaturists in January 10 2011 a new campaign called “Basta de Sangre”, they ask every Mexican citizen to write the phrase “Basta de sangre” or “No mas sangre” in a piece of paper and paste them on a visible place. The objective is to   create a citizen movement for stopping the violence that our country is facing which has left a debt of more than 30, 000 deaths.